Important: This website does not attempt to establish a standard for how assistive technologies must behave. Read the FAQ for more information. Additionally, this is a work in progress. Please submit feedback or suggestions.

aria-errormessage attribute (aria)

Screen Reader support level: partial (15/22)

On this page

About this feature

Identifies the element that provides an error message for the object. See related aria-invalid and aria-describedby.

Age of results

Results across all tests for this feature range from 2 years ago to 6 years ago. Detailed dates and version information can be found in associated tests.


Failing or partial results may be out of date. The oldest result is from 2 years ago. Consider running the associated tests and contributing results.


What are expectations?

Screen Reader support by expectation

ExpectationJAWSNarratorNVDAOrcaTalkBackVoiceOver (iOS)VoiceOver (macOS)
MUST convey that the referenced error message is pertinentsupportedsupportednonenonenonenonenonesupportednonesupportednone
MUST NOT convey the error when the error message is NOT pertinentsupportedsupportedsupportedsupportedsupportedsupportedsupportedsupportedsupportedsupportedsupported

Expectation: convey that the referenced error message is pertinent


Users need to know that the error message exists when the input is in an aria-invalid="true" state

Strength of this expectation for different types of assistive technologies:

  • Screen Readers: MUST
  • Voice Control: NA


  • screen readers might convey the accessible name of the referenced ID
  • screen readers might announce that an error message is present and provide a shortcut to jump to the error message
Screen Reader support for 'MUST convey that the referenced error message is pertinent'
TestJAWSNarratorNVDAOrcaTalkBackVoiceOver (iOS)VoiceOver (macOS)
aria-errormessage attribute with aria-invalid="true" applied to: input[type="text"] elementsupportedsupportednonenonenonenonenonesupportednonesupportednone

Expectation: convey the error when the error message is NOT pertinent


Users should not be made aware of the error message when the input is not in an error state

Strength of this expectation for different types of assistive technologies:

  • Screen Readers: MUST NOT
  • Voice Control: NA


  • when an input has an error message but also has aria-invalid="false", the error message will not be conveyed because it is not pertinent
Screen Reader support for 'MUST NOT convey the error when the error message is NOT pertinent'
TestJAWSNarratorNVDAOrcaTalkBackVoiceOver (iOS)VoiceOver (macOS)
aria-errormessage attribute with aria-invalid="true" applied to: input[type="text"] elementsupportedsupportedsupportedsupportedsupportedsupportedsupportedsupportedsupportedsupportedsupported