Important: This website does not attempt to establish a standard for how assistive technologies must behave. Read the FAQ for more information. Additionally, this is a work in progress. Please submit feedback or suggestions.

Test: aria-rowcount attribute

Screen Reader support level: partial (8/22)

Voice Control support level: unknown

On this page

About this test

aria-rowcount tests

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Age of results

Results in this test range from 3 years ago to 3 years ago. See detailed information about test dates and versions for more information.


Failing or partial results may be out of date. The oldest result is from 3 years ago. Consider running this test and contributing results.


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Summary of Screen Reader support by expectation

* means that some support is hidden behind settings

Summary of Voice Control support by expectation

aria-rowcount attribute
ExpectationDragon Naturally SpeakingVoice Access (Android)Voice Control (iOS)Voice Control (MacOS)Windows Speech RecognitionWindows Voice Access
Not applicable

* means that some support is hidden behind settings

Detailed support results by expectation

Expectation for the aria-rowcount attribute: convey the total row count when some rows are hidden

This expectation is from the aria-rowcount attribute feature.


The user needs to know how many rows are in the whole grid / table when some rows are hidden

Strength of this expectation for different types of assistive technologies:

  • Screen Readers: MUST
  • Voice Control: NA

Grading method:

Just one of the listed commands must pass for the expectation to pass.

ATBrowserHas SupportOutput
Dragon Naturally SpeakingChromenot applicable-
  • Result: (pass)
    • Test Case: Use Down arrow (Read next item) to navigate forward to `#table1`
      1. Launch JAWS and Chrome.
      2. Navigate to the test page.
      3. Find the target element(s) that you will test against. Identify all elements that match this selector:#table1
        • If multiple elements match the selector, repeat this test for all instances. However, choose a single instance to report against. If you feel that the selector should be more specific, please open a GitHub Issue.
      4. Position and configure the screen reader so that the following conditions are met
        • Virtual focus is: before target
        • Keyboard focus is: before target
        • Mode is: auto (do not explicitly change the mode)
      5. Issue the command: Down arrow (Read next item)
        • After issuing the command, virtual focus should be: target
      6. Record results for the relevant expectations
    • Output: "Table with 4 of 4 columns and 4 of 10 rows"
  • Result: (pass)
    • Test Case: Use Down arrow (Read next item) to navigate forward to `#table1`
      1. Launch JAWS and Edge.
      2. Navigate to the test page.
      3. Find the target element(s) that you will test against. Identify all elements that match this selector:#table1
        • If multiple elements match the selector, repeat this test for all instances. However, choose a single instance to report against. If you feel that the selector should be more specific, please open a GitHub Issue.
      4. Position and configure the screen reader so that the following conditions are met
        • Virtual focus is: before target
        • Keyboard focus is: before target
        • Mode is: auto (do not explicitly change the mode)
      5. Issue the command: Down arrow (Read next item)
        • After issuing the command, virtual focus should be: target
      6. Record results for the relevant expectations
    • Output: "Table with 4 of 4 columns and 4 of 10 rows"
  • Result: (pass)
    • Test Case: Use Down arrow (Read next item) to navigate forward to `#table1`
      1. Launch JAWS and Firefox.
      2. Navigate to the test page.
      3. Find the target element(s) that you will test against. Identify all elements that match this selector:#table1
        • If multiple elements match the selector, repeat this test for all instances. However, choose a single instance to report against. If you feel that the selector should be more specific, please open a GitHub Issue.
      4. Position and configure the screen reader so that the following conditions are met
        • Virtual focus is: before target
        • Keyboard focus is: before target
        • Mode is: auto (do not explicitly change the mode)
      5. Issue the command: Down arrow (Read next item)
        • After issuing the command, virtual focus should be: target
      6. Record results for the relevant expectations
    • Output: "Table with 4 of 4 columns and 4 of 10 rows"
  • Result: (pass)
    • Test Case: Use Down arrow (Jump to next item (scan mode)) to navigate forward to `#table1`
      1. Launch Narrator and Edge.
      2. Navigate to the test page.
      3. Find the target element(s) that you will test against. Identify all elements that match this selector:#table1
        • If multiple elements match the selector, repeat this test for all instances. However, choose a single instance to report against. If you feel that the selector should be more specific, please open a GitHub Issue.
      4. Position and configure the screen reader so that the following conditions are met
        • Virtual focus is: before target
        • Keyboard focus is: before target
        • Mode is: auto (do not explicitly change the mode)
      5. Issue the command: Down arrow (Jump to next item (scan mode))
        • After issuing the command, virtual focus should be: target
      6. Record results for the relevant expectations
    • Output: "Enter table Table 1, 10 by 4, First name"
  • Result: (pass)
    • Test Case: Use down arrow (Read next item) to navigate forward to `#table1`
      1. Launch NVDA and Chrome.
      2. Navigate to the test page.
      3. Find the target element(s) that you will test against. Identify all elements that match this selector:#table1
        • If multiple elements match the selector, repeat this test for all instances. However, choose a single instance to report against. If you feel that the selector should be more specific, please open a GitHub Issue.
      4. Position and configure the screen reader so that the following conditions are met
        • Virtual focus is: before target
        • Keyboard focus is: before target
        • Mode is: auto (do not explicitly change the mode)
      5. Issue the command: down arrow (Read next item)
        • After issuing the command, virtual focus should be: target
      6. Record results for the relevant expectations
    • Output: "Table with 10 rows and 4 columns, Table 1"
  • Result: (pass)
    • Test Case: Use down arrow (Read next item) to navigate forward to `#table1`
      1. Launch NVDA and Edge.
      2. Navigate to the test page.
      3. Find the target element(s) that you will test against. Identify all elements that match this selector:#table1
        • If multiple elements match the selector, repeat this test for all instances. However, choose a single instance to report against. If you feel that the selector should be more specific, please open a GitHub Issue.
      4. Position and configure the screen reader so that the following conditions are met
        • Virtual focus is: before target
        • Keyboard focus is: before target
        • Mode is: auto (do not explicitly change the mode)
      5. Issue the command: down arrow (Read next item)
        • After issuing the command, virtual focus should be: target
      6. Record results for the relevant expectations
    • Output: "Table with 10 rows and 4 columns, Table 1"
  • Result: (pass)
    • Test Case: Use down arrow (Read next item) to navigate forward to `#table1`
      1. Launch NVDA and Firefox.
      2. Navigate to the test page.
      3. Find the target element(s) that you will test against. Identify all elements that match this selector:#table1
        • If multiple elements match the selector, repeat this test for all instances. However, choose a single instance to report against. If you feel that the selector should be more specific, please open a GitHub Issue.
      4. Position and configure the screen reader so that the following conditions are met
        • Virtual focus is: before target
        • Keyboard focus is: before target
        • Mode is: auto (do not explicitly change the mode)
      5. Issue the command: down arrow (Read next item)
        • After issuing the command, virtual focus should be: target
      6. Record results for the relevant expectations
    • Output: "Table with 10 rows and 4 columns, Table 1"
  • Result: (fail)
    • Test Case: Use Swipe right (or alt+right arrow) (Read next item) to navigate forward to `#table1`
      1. Launch TalkBack and Chrome.
      2. Navigate to the test page.
      3. Find the target element(s) that you will test against. Identify all elements that match this selector:#table1
        • If multiple elements match the selector, repeat this test for all instances. However, choose a single instance to report against. If you feel that the selector should be more specific, please open a GitHub Issue.
      4. Position and configure the screen reader so that the following conditions are met
        • Virtual focus is: before target
        • Keyboard focus is: before target
        • Mode is: auto (do not explicitly change the mode)
      5. Issue the command: Swipe right (or alt+right arrow) (Read next item)
        • After issuing the command, virtual focus should be: target
      6. Record results for the relevant expectations
    • Output: "First Name, column header, Row 1, In table Table 1, 4 rows, 4 columns"
    • Grading note: This command may be expected to fail. This result simply indicates that it did not yield support.
Grading Note: There is no known/documented support. There may still be support for this expectation, but it is undocumented. If this is the case, please report this issue.
Voice Access (Android)Chromenot applicable-
Voice Control (iOS)Safarinot applicable-
Voice Control (MacOS)Safarinot applicable-
VoiceOver (iOS)Safarinone
  • Result: (fail)
    • Test Case: Use Swipe Right (Next item) to navigate forward to `#table1`
      1. Launch VoiceOver (iOS) and Safari.
      2. Navigate to the test page.
      3. Find the target element(s) that you will test against. Identify all elements that match this selector:#table1
        • If multiple elements match the selector, repeat this test for all instances. However, choose a single instance to report against. If you feel that the selector should be more specific, please open a GitHub Issue.
      4. Position and configure the screen reader so that the following conditions are met
        • Virtual focus is: before target
        • Keyboard focus is: before target
        • Mode is: auto (do not explicitly change the mode)
      5. Issue the command: Swipe Right (Next item)
        • After issuing the command, virtual focus should be: target
      6. Record results for the relevant expectations
    • Output: "Table 1, First Name, Row header, column header, Row 1, Column 1, Table start, 4 rows 4 columns"
    • Grading note: This command may be expected to fail. This result simply indicates that it did not yield support.
Grading Note: There is no known/documented support. There may still be support for this expectation, but it is undocumented. If this is the case, please report this issue.
VoiceOver (macOS)Safariyes
  • Result: (pass)
    • Test Case: Use VO + Right arrow (Read next item) to navigate forward to `#table1`
      1. Launch VoiceOver (macOS) and Safari.
      2. Navigate to the test page.
      3. Find the target element(s) that you will test against. Identify all elements that match this selector:#table1
        • If multiple elements match the selector, repeat this test for all instances. However, choose a single instance to report against. If you feel that the selector should be more specific, please open a GitHub Issue.
      4. Position and configure the screen reader so that the following conditions are met
        • Virtual focus is: before target
        • Keyboard focus is: before target
        • Mode is: auto (do not explicitly change the mode)
      5. Issue the command: VO + Right arrow (Read next item)
        • After issuing the command, virtual focus should be: target
      6. Record results for the relevant expectations
    • Output: "Table 1, table, 4 columns, 10 rows"
Windows Speech RecognitionEdgenot applicable-
Windows Speech RecognitionChromenot applicable-
Windows Voice AccessEdgenot applicable-
Windows Voice AccessChromenot applicable-
Windows KeyboardChromenot applicable-
Windows KeyboardFirefoxnot applicable-
Windows KeyboardEdgenot applicable-
Mac KeyboardChromenot applicable-
Mac KeyboardSafarinot applicable-
iOS KeyboardSafarinot applicable-
Android KeyboardChromenot applicable-

Extended Support for: aria-rowcount attribute: convey the total row count when some rows are hidden

These are less common combinations

ATBrowserHas SupportOutput
Dragon Naturally SpeakingIEnot applicable-
Dragon Naturally SpeakingFirefoxnot applicable-
Voice Access (Android)Firefoxnot applicable-
VoiceOver (iOS)Chromeunknown-
VoiceOver (macOS)Chromeunknown-
VoiceOver (macOS)Firefoxunknown-
Voice Control (MacOS)Chromenot applicable-
Voice Control (MacOS)Firefoxnot applicable-
Mac KeyboardFirefoxnot applicable-
Android KeyboardFirefoxnot applicable-
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Expectation for the aria-rowcount attribute: convey a row count when total row count is unknown

This expectation is from the aria-rowcount attribute feature.


Screen readers should not attempt to calculate the row count when it is unknown

Strength of this expectation for different types of assistive technologies:

  • Screen Readers: MUST NOT
  • Voice Control: NA

Grading method:

Just one of the listed commands must pass for the expectation to pass.


ARIA 1.1 spec: "If the total number of rows is unknown, authors MUST set the value of aria-rowcount to -1 to indicate that the value should not be calculated by the user agent."

ATBrowserHas SupportOutput
Dragon Naturally SpeakingChromenot applicable-
  • Result: (fail)
    • Test Case: Use Down arrow (Read next item) to navigate forward to `#table2`
      1. Launch JAWS and Chrome.
      2. Navigate to the test page.
      3. Find the target element(s) that you will test against. Identify all elements that match this selector:#table2
        • If multiple elements match the selector, repeat this test for all instances. However, choose a single instance to report against. If you feel that the selector should be more specific, please open a GitHub Issue.
      4. Position and configure the screen reader so that the following conditions are met
        • Virtual focus is: before target
        • Keyboard focus is: before target
        • Mode is: auto (do not explicitly change the mode)
      5. Issue the command: Down arrow (Read next item)
        • After issuing the command, virtual focus should be: target
      6. Record results for the relevant expectations
    • Output: "Table with 4 of 4 columns and 4 of minus 1 rows"
    • Grading note: This command may be expected to fail. This result simply indicates that it did not yield support.
Grading Note: There is no known/documented support. There may still be support for this expectation, but it is undocumented. If this is the case, please report this issue.
  • Result: (fail)
    • Test Case: Use Down arrow (Read next item) to navigate forward to `#table2`
      1. Launch JAWS and Edge.
      2. Navigate to the test page.
      3. Find the target element(s) that you will test against. Identify all elements that match this selector:#table2
        • If multiple elements match the selector, repeat this test for all instances. However, choose a single instance to report against. If you feel that the selector should be more specific, please open a GitHub Issue.
      4. Position and configure the screen reader so that the following conditions are met
        • Virtual focus is: before target
        • Keyboard focus is: before target
        • Mode is: auto (do not explicitly change the mode)
      5. Issue the command: Down arrow (Read next item)
        • After issuing the command, virtual focus should be: target
      6. Record results for the relevant expectations
    • Output: "Table with 4 of 4 columns and 4 of minus 1 rows"
    • Grading note: This command may be expected to fail. This result simply indicates that it did not yield support.
Grading Note: There is no known/documented support. There may still be support for this expectation, but it is undocumented. If this is the case, please report this issue.
  • Result: (fail)
    • Test Case: Use Down arrow (Read next item) to navigate forward to `#table2`
      1. Launch JAWS and Firefox.
      2. Navigate to the test page.
      3. Find the target element(s) that you will test against. Identify all elements that match this selector:#table2
        • If multiple elements match the selector, repeat this test for all instances. However, choose a single instance to report against. If you feel that the selector should be more specific, please open a GitHub Issue.
      4. Position and configure the screen reader so that the following conditions are met
        • Virtual focus is: before target
        • Keyboard focus is: before target
        • Mode is: auto (do not explicitly change the mode)
      5. Issue the command: Down arrow (Read next item)
        • After issuing the command, virtual focus should be: target
      6. Record results for the relevant expectations
    • Output: "Table with 4 columns and 4 rows"
    • Grading note: This command may be expected to fail. This result simply indicates that it did not yield support.
Grading Note: There is no known/documented support. There may still be support for this expectation, but it is undocumented. If this is the case, please report this issue.
  • Result: (fail)
    • Test Case: Use Down arrow (Jump to next item (scan mode)) to navigate forward to `#table2`
      1. Launch Narrator and Edge.
      2. Navigate to the test page.
      3. Find the target element(s) that you will test against. Identify all elements that match this selector:#table2
        • If multiple elements match the selector, repeat this test for all instances. However, choose a single instance to report against. If you feel that the selector should be more specific, please open a GitHub Issue.
      4. Position and configure the screen reader so that the following conditions are met
        • Virtual focus is: before target
        • Keyboard focus is: before target
        • Mode is: auto (do not explicitly change the mode)
      5. Issue the command: Down arrow (Jump to next item (scan mode))
        • After issuing the command, virtual focus should be: target
      6. Record results for the relevant expectations
    • Output: "Enter table Table 2, zero by 4, First name"
    • Grading note: This command may be expected to fail. This result simply indicates that it did not yield support.
Grading Note: There is no known/documented support. There may still be support for this expectation, but it is undocumented. If this is the case, please report this issue.
  • Result: (fail)
    • Test Case: Use down arrow (Read next item) to navigate forward to `#table2`
      1. Launch NVDA and Chrome.
      2. Navigate to the test page.
      3. Find the target element(s) that you will test against. Identify all elements that match this selector:#table2
        • If multiple elements match the selector, repeat this test for all instances. However, choose a single instance to report against. If you feel that the selector should be more specific, please open a GitHub Issue.
      4. Position and configure the screen reader so that the following conditions are met
        • Virtual focus is: before target
        • Keyboard focus is: before target
        • Mode is: auto (do not explicitly change the mode)
      5. Issue the command: down arrow (Read next item)
        • After issuing the command, virtual focus should be: target
      6. Record results for the relevant expectations
    • Output: "Table with minus 1 rows and 4 columns, Table 2"
    • Grading note: This command may be expected to fail. This result simply indicates that it did not yield support.
Grading Note: There is no known/documented support. There may still be support for this expectation, but it is undocumented. If this is the case, please report this issue.
  • Result: (fail)
    • Test Case: Use down arrow (Read next item) to navigate forward to `#table2`
      1. Launch NVDA and Edge.
      2. Navigate to the test page.
      3. Find the target element(s) that you will test against. Identify all elements that match this selector:#table2
        • If multiple elements match the selector, repeat this test for all instances. However, choose a single instance to report against. If you feel that the selector should be more specific, please open a GitHub Issue.
      4. Position and configure the screen reader so that the following conditions are met
        • Virtual focus is: before target
        • Keyboard focus is: before target
        • Mode is: auto (do not explicitly change the mode)
      5. Issue the command: down arrow (Read next item)
        • After issuing the command, virtual focus should be: target
      6. Record results for the relevant expectations
    • Output: "Table with minus 1 rows and 4 columns, Table 2"
    • Grading note: This command may be expected to fail. This result simply indicates that it did not yield support.
Grading Note: There is no known/documented support. There may still be support for this expectation, but it is undocumented. If this is the case, please report this issue.
  • Result: (fail)
    • Test Case: Use down arrow (Read next item) to navigate forward to `#table2`
      1. Launch NVDA and Firefox.
      2. Navigate to the test page.
      3. Find the target element(s) that you will test against. Identify all elements that match this selector:#table2
        • If multiple elements match the selector, repeat this test for all instances. However, choose a single instance to report against. If you feel that the selector should be more specific, please open a GitHub Issue.
      4. Position and configure the screen reader so that the following conditions are met
        • Virtual focus is: before target
        • Keyboard focus is: before target
        • Mode is: auto (do not explicitly change the mode)
      5. Issue the command: down arrow (Read next item)
        • After issuing the command, virtual focus should be: target
      6. Record results for the relevant expectations
    • Output: "Table with minus 1 rows and 4 columns, Table 2"
    • Grading note: This command may be expected to fail. This result simply indicates that it did not yield support.
Grading Note: There is no known/documented support. There may still be support for this expectation, but it is undocumented. If this is the case, please report this issue.
  • Result: (fail)
    • Test Case: Use Swipe right (or alt+right arrow) (Read next item) to navigate forward to `#table2`
      1. Launch TalkBack and Chrome.
      2. Navigate to the test page.
      3. Find the target element(s) that you will test against. Identify all elements that match this selector:#table2
        • If multiple elements match the selector, repeat this test for all instances. However, choose a single instance to report against. If you feel that the selector should be more specific, please open a GitHub Issue.
      4. Position and configure the screen reader so that the following conditions are met
        • Virtual focus is: before target
        • Keyboard focus is: before target
        • Mode is: auto (do not explicitly change the mode)
      5. Issue the command: Swipe right (or alt+right arrow) (Read next item)
        • After issuing the command, virtual focus should be: target
      6. Record results for the relevant expectations
    • Output: "First Name, column header, Row 1, In table Table 2, 4 rows, 4 columns"
    • Grading note: This command may be expected to fail. This result simply indicates that it did not yield support.
Grading Note: There is no known/documented support. There may still be support for this expectation, but it is undocumented. If this is the case, please report this issue.
Voice Access (Android)Chromenot applicable-
Voice Control (iOS)Safarinot applicable-
Voice Control (MacOS)Safarinot applicable-
VoiceOver (iOS)Safarinone
  • Result: (fail)
    • Test Case: Use Swipe Right (Next item) to navigate forward to `#table2`
      1. Launch VoiceOver (iOS) and Safari.
      2. Navigate to the test page.
      3. Find the target element(s) that you will test against. Identify all elements that match this selector:#table2
        • If multiple elements match the selector, repeat this test for all instances. However, choose a single instance to report against. If you feel that the selector should be more specific, please open a GitHub Issue.
      4. Position and configure the screen reader so that the following conditions are met
        • Virtual focus is: before target
        • Keyboard focus is: before target
        • Mode is: auto (do not explicitly change the mode)
      5. Issue the command: Swipe Right (Next item)
        • After issuing the command, virtual focus should be: target
      6. Record results for the relevant expectations
    • Output: "Table 2, First Name, Row header, column header, Row 1, Column 1, Table start, 4 rows 4 columns"
    • Grading note: This command may be expected to fail. This result simply indicates that it did not yield support.
Grading Note: There is no known/documented support. There may still be support for this expectation, but it is undocumented. If this is the case, please report this issue.
VoiceOver (macOS)Safarinone
  • Result: (fail)
    • Test Case: Use VO + Right arrow (Read next item) to navigate forward to `#table2`
      1. Launch VoiceOver (macOS) and Safari.
      2. Navigate to the test page.
      3. Find the target element(s) that you will test against. Identify all elements that match this selector:#table2
        • If multiple elements match the selector, repeat this test for all instances. However, choose a single instance to report against. If you feel that the selector should be more specific, please open a GitHub Issue.
      4. Position and configure the screen reader so that the following conditions are met
        • Virtual focus is: before target
        • Keyboard focus is: before target
        • Mode is: auto (do not explicitly change the mode)
      5. Issue the command: VO + Right arrow (Read next item)
        • After issuing the command, virtual focus should be: target
      6. Record results for the relevant expectations
    • Output: "Table 2, table, 4 columns, minus 1 row"
    • Grading note: This command may be expected to fail. This result simply indicates that it did not yield support.
Grading Note: There is no known/documented support. There may still be support for this expectation, but it is undocumented. If this is the case, please report this issue.
Windows Speech RecognitionEdgenot applicable-
Windows Speech RecognitionChromenot applicable-
Windows Voice AccessEdgenot applicable-
Windows Voice AccessChromenot applicable-
Windows KeyboardChromenot applicable-
Windows KeyboardFirefoxnot applicable-
Windows KeyboardEdgenot applicable-
Mac KeyboardChromenot applicable-
Mac KeyboardSafarinot applicable-
iOS KeyboardSafarinot applicable-
Android KeyboardChromenot applicable-

Extended Support for: aria-rowcount attribute: convey a row count when total row count is unknown

These are less common combinations

ATBrowserHas SupportOutput
Dragon Naturally SpeakingIEnot applicable-
Dragon Naturally SpeakingFirefoxnot applicable-
Voice Access (Android)Firefoxnot applicable-
VoiceOver (iOS)Chromeunknown-
VoiceOver (macOS)Chromeunknown-
VoiceOver (macOS)Firefoxunknown-
Voice Control (MacOS)Chromenot applicable-
Voice Control (MacOS)Firefoxnot applicable-
Mac KeyboardFirefoxnot applicable-
Android KeyboardFirefoxnot applicable-
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Dates and Versions of tested combinations

ATAT VersionBrowserBrowser versionOS versionDate tested
JAWS2022.2110.36Chrome96Windows 10 version 21h12021-12-04
JAWS2022.2110.36Edge96Windows 10 version 21h12021-12-04
JAWS2022.2110.36Firefox94Windows 10 version 21h12021-12-04
NarratorWindows 10 version 21h1Edge96Windows 10 version 21h12021-12-02
NVDA2021.2Chrome96Windows 10 version 21h12021-12-02
NVDA2021.2Edge96Windows 10 version 21h12021-12-02
NVDA2021.2Firefox94Windows 10 version 21h12021-12-02
VoiceOver (iOS)14.8.1Safari14.
VoiceOver (macOS)11.6.1Safari11.


  • 2021-12-04 Test created