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status role (aria)

Screen Reader support level: partial (59/66)

On this page

About this feature

A type of live region whose content is advisory information for the user but is not important enough to justify an alert, often but not necessarily presented as a status bar.

Age of results

Results across all tests for this feature range from 4 years ago to 5 years ago. Detailed dates and version information can be found in associated tests.


Failing or partial results may be out of date. The oldest result is from 5 years ago. Consider running the associated tests and contributing results.


What are expectations?

Screen Reader support by expectation

ExpectationJAWSNarratorNVDAOrcaTalkBackVoiceOver (iOS)VoiceOver (macOS)
MUST announce changes to the live regionsupportedsupportedsupportedsupportedsupportedsupportedsupportedsupportedsupportedsupportedsupported
MUST convey the implicit aria-live value of polite by not interrupting the current announcementsupportedsupportedsupportedsupportedsupportedsupportedsupportedsupportedsupportedsupportedsupported
MUST convey the implicit aria-atomic value of true by announcing the entire regionsupportedsupportednonesupportedsupportedsupportednonenonepartial (1/2)supportedsupported
MAY convey its name and role as part of the live announcement if it has a namepartialpartialnonepartialpartialpartialnonepartialpartialnonepartial
MAY convey its name and role while navigating the page if it has a namenonenonenonenonenonenonenonenonepartialnonesupported

Expectation: announce changes to the live region

Strength of this expectation for different types of assistive technologies:

  • Screen Readers: MUST
  • Voice Control: NA


  • Screen readers will automatically announce the live region.
Screen Reader support for 'MUST announce changes to the live region'
TestJAWSNarratorNVDAOrcaTalkBackVoiceOver (iOS)VoiceOver (macOS)
named status role applied to: div elementsupportedsupportedsupportedsupportedsupportedsupportedsupportedsupportedsupportedsupportedsupported
unnamed status role applied to: div elementsupportedsupportedsupportedsupportedsupportedsupportedsupportedsupportedsupportedsupportedsupported

Expectation: convey the implicit aria-live value of polite by not interrupting the current announcement

Strength of this expectation for different types of assistive technologies:

  • Screen Readers: MUST
  • Voice Control: NA


  • Screen readers will changes to content within role="status" after other announcements finish.
Screen Reader support for 'MUST convey the implicit aria-live value of polite by not interrupting the current announcement'
TestJAWSNarratorNVDAOrcaTalkBackVoiceOver (iOS)VoiceOver (macOS)
named status role applied to: div elementsupportedsupportedsupportedsupportedsupportedsupportedsupportedsupportedsupportedsupportedsupported
unnamed status role applied to: div elementsupportedsupportedsupportedsupportedsupportedsupportedsupportedsupportedsupportedsupportedsupported

Expectation: convey the implicit aria-atomic value of true by announcing the entire region

Strength of this expectation for different types of assistive technologies:

  • Screen Readers: MUST
  • Voice Control: NA


  • Screen readers will announce all the content within role="status".
Screen Reader support for 'MUST convey the implicit aria-atomic value of true by announcing the entire region'
TestJAWSNarratorNVDAOrcaTalkBackVoiceOver (iOS)VoiceOver (macOS)
named status role applied to: div elementsupportedsupportednonesupportedsupportedsupportednonenonenonesupportedsupported
unnamed status role applied to: div elementsupportedsupportednonesupportedsupportedsupportednonenonesupportedsupportedsupported

Expectation: convey its name and role as part of the live announcement if it has a name

Strength of this expectation for different types of assistive technologies:

  • Screen Readers: MAY
  • Voice Control: NA


  • Screen readers may announce the name and alert role if it has a name from the author (usually via aria-label or aria-labelledby).
  • The name will be announced before or after the contents of the live region.
  • The the role will be implied by interruption, or may be explicitly stated as something like "status" or an earcon
Screen Reader support for 'MAY convey its name and role as part of the live announcement if it has a name'
TestJAWSNarratorNVDAOrcaTalkBackVoiceOver (iOS)VoiceOver (macOS)
named status role applied to: div elementpartialpartialnonepartialpartialpartialnonepartialpartialnonepartial

Expectation: convey its name and role while navigating the page if it has a name

Strength of this expectation for different types of assistive technologies:

  • Screen Readers: MAY
  • Voice Control: NA


  • Screen readers may announce the name and role if it has a name from the author (usually via aria-label or aria-labelledby). The name and role are usually announced when navigating into the element.
  • screen readers may convey the role as an earcon.
Screen Reader support for 'MAY convey its name and role while navigating the page if it has a name'
TestJAWSNarratorNVDAOrcaTalkBackVoiceOver (iOS)VoiceOver (macOS)
named status role applied to: div elementnonenonenonenonenonenonenonenonepartialnonesupported